Today, we’re going to learn how to keep safe from ticks. While ticks usually prefer to feast on animals, it’s not uncommon for them to attach to human beings as well.
And since prevention is better than anything, that’s what we’re talking about today: how to prevent ticks on humans.
Ticks can cause many different diseases including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Fear of these diseases does not have to keep you sequestered indoors all year though. By using protective measures and some common sense, you can enjoy the tall grasses and wooded areas and still be safe.
Do not let your fear cost you the fun family times outdoors – instead, take the precautions necessary and you’ll be safe from the already minimal dangers of being bitten by a tick.
Here is what you have to do:
Reduce Exposure Risks
The simplest way to be safe from ticks is to avoid places where ticks tend to gather.
The most common places to find ticks are in areas with tall grasses or lots of other foliage. Marshes are another area where ticks tend to congregate.
Avoiding these areas is simple if you are a city dweller, though if you live in a suburban area it may take a bit more work.
Think about stores and other places you visit often and mentally assess the risk. If there is an open wooded area near where you visit, avoid it if possible.
If you are out exploring, stay on marked paths and do not venture off.
Use Protective Clothing
If your plans for the day are to explore and get into some fun in more wooded areas, then avoiding where ticks go is impossible.
Instead, make sure you those exploring with you are wearing protective clothing, meaning long pants tucked into socks, sneakers, long sleeved shirts tucked into pants and hair pulled back and put under a hat.
By wearing these types of clothing, you minimize the amount of skin available for a tick to attach to.
Another way to enhance the level of protection offered by your clothing is to spray permetherin on your clothing before wearing it.
If you spend lots of time outdoors in the wilderness, it can be beneficial to purchase clothing treated with permetherin.
This repellent should not be applied to the skin, only to clothing, and provides protection by repelling ticks and other insects.
Insect Repellants with DEET
DEET is an effective insect and tick repellent. It is important to make sure you follow directions when applying any insect repellent so take the time to read the label closely.
When using insect repellents with DEET, make sure the product contains no more than 30 percent DEET, and reapply every two hours while out exploring.
Do Daily Skin Check
If you are out enjoying the tall grasses and fun wilderness preserves, always finish your day with a skin check.
These skin checks are essential as a last line of defense against ticks and are easiest to do with another person there to help. Skin checks should coverall areas of the skin from head to toe.
Have your partner check your scalp, in and around your ears and don’t forget places like in between your toes and in your groin area.
By using appropriate clothing, common sense and some insect repellent, you can still enjoy the wilderness and have fun outdoors.
Head out to enjoy nature and have a buddy with you at the end to help make you are both tick-free. Keep playing outside and doing so safely.