Homemade Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Beeswax Foot Cream Recipe

If you’re looking for a homemade foot cream that will bring extra moisture to your feet and repair those cracked heels, our recommended DIY cream using coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax will make you really happy.

This is one of our highly recommended foot creams for cracked heels and you have to try it to see why we like it so much. It works like magic, with almost instant results!

shea butter coconut oil homemade cream

Today, you’ll learn how to make yours at home and enjoy the benefits that this cream delivers. It’s soothing, relaxing, it moisturizes your skin well and, as you will see, cracked heels will become a thing of the past!

So let’s get this started!

Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Beeswax Foot Cream Ingredients

We’re providing Amazon links to each of the ingredients in case you don’t have them at home. Have in mind that these are affiliate links that we get commissions from, without any extra costs for you.

Note: you can use other natural essential oils if you want (like vanilla, for example, for a nice perfume) but we recommend sticking with the two above as they also come with added benefits.

Let’s see why we’re using these particular ingredients and what are their benefits!

Shea Butter – Extracted from the Karite tree found in Africa, raw and unrefined shea butter is what you need to use. It has a high vitamin A and vitamin K content which provides intense nourishment to dry skin.

If your cracked heels bleed and are painful, shea butter promotes quick healing!

Coconut Oil – This coconutty goodness is ideal for moisturizing dry wrinkled and flaky skin which is what many mild cases of cracked heels look like.

Because it has a small molecular structure, it’s easily soaked up by the skin leading to instant moisturization.

Coconut oil is also antibacterial due to its high lauric acid content so it’s good for staving off germs on your heels.

Beeswax – This natural wax helps dry skin by holding in moisture by forming a protective barrier which also keeps out skin irritants as well as shields the skin from harsh weather that can lead to cracked skin.

Beeswax is also antibacterial, it encourages wound healing, gives relief to itchy cracked heels as well as promotes cell turn over which is important for healing cracked heels!

Avocado Oil – A strong anti-inflammatory, avocado oil repairs painful, bleeding and rough cracked heels.

It also provides intense lubricating action due to its thick consistency. Avocado oil also has a boatload of vitamin E, which speeds up wound healing!

Tea Tree Essential Oil – A very powerful anti-fungal and antiseptic essential oil, tea tree is used to fight off fungus, which is a main cause of cracked heels. It also helps disinfect the cracks and soften the hard skin as well. Tea tree also has a fresh medicinal and ‘clean’ scent that is soothing.

Peppermint Essential Oil – Cooling and refreshing, peppermint essential oil provides relief to tired heels and provides an invigorating tingling sensation that feels really good! It also smells has a nice fresh scent that you’ll love!

If you want the all the best ingredients but you don’t really want to prepare your own at home, you could also check out this amazing foot cream by Elizabeth Parker Naturals (affiliate link). We love it and it can’t get easier than ordering with one click!

Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Beeswax Foot Cream Preparation

shea butter cream preparation

Now that you have all the right ingredients, it’s time to put them to good use and prepare your perfect foot cream!

  1. In a double boiler, melt the shea butter, beeswax, coconut oil and avocado oil to liquid form.
  2. Once melted, leave it to cool for about 2 minutes then add the essential oils and stir well with a spatula.
  3. Now place the melted mixture in the freezer for 10 minutes or until it cools off and solidifies half way. It should become rock hard but partially solidify – this allows it to be whipped into a butter/cream.
  4. After 10 minutes, it’s ready to be whipped! Get your hand mixer and start beating the semi solid mixture until your form a white butter like consistency.
  5. Your healing shea butter foot cream is complete! Transfer it to a clean container and store in a cool dry place.

How To Use Shea Butter and Beeswax Foot Cream

If you want to heal your cracked heels and keep them lubricated, follow these steps every night before bed!

  • Wash your feet with warm water and a mild soap.
  • Place a bit of soap on the Pumice stone and start scrubbing your heels for about 10 seconds each to exfoliate dead cells and soften the rough skin.
  • Rinse your feet in warm water then let your feet dry.
  • Now get a dime-sized amount of the shea butter foot cream with clean fingertips and slather it on your cracked heels.
  • Put on some comfortable socks and go to bed!
  • The next morning, your heels will be soft, the cracks will have lessened, the pain/burning gone plus feel lubricated and fresh!


  • This shea butter foot cream has a shelf life of over 6 months but it’ll probably get used up before that time! Just keep it away from tap water and other contaminants and use clean fingertips to scoop it up.
  • You can also use oregano essential oil as it is a very powerful anti-fungal essential oil!
  • To care for your cracked heels, foot soaks are a must at least every weekend. Here is how to do it:

Simply fill a tub with a gallon of hot water (as hot as your skin can handle), add ¼ cup of Epsom salts, 7 drops of tea tree essential oil and ¼ cup of unfiltered apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Soak for about 15 minutes then lubricate your feet with the foot cream.


Now you’ve learned how to make your own coconut oil & Shea butter foot cream. You have learned all the benefits it provides but you really need to just try it yourself and see how good it is.

It will keep your feet well moisturized and sooner rather than later, those cracked heels you seemed unable to get rid of will become a thing of the past!

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