Easy to Make Fairy House Door [DIY, Step By Step Instructions]

If you’re starting to build your own Fairy Houses, you know how important it is to be able to craft each of the elements flawlessly. And in order to help you achieve that, I am here today to share with you a step by step guide on how to make a fairy house door.

I absolutely love the door that I have crafted and I know that options are limitless – just use your own imagination or follow the design I have chosen for my door. (And if you’re wondering what the “Wee Lil Bits” watermark is – it’s my previous blog before joining forces with Ranking Squad!).

Back to our Fairy House Door – here’s how to make yours:

All you’ll need is a bit of playdoh, or if you know how to work with clay, it’s better to choose it as it lasts longer and looks a bit better in my opinion.

You can purchase clay or make your own by following the recipe I have shared in a previous article (and you’re making it with common ingredients that you probably have at home already!)

Now that you have chosen, the material, it’s time to think about the design and start modelling! You don’t need more colors, because playdoh can be easily painted (and the same goes for clay).

I had green playdoh and a bit of purple that my toddler shared with me and it was more than enough to create my first extremely durable fairy house door.

Check it out below, I am sure you’re curious to see the result first:

fairy house door hanging in a tree

When it comes to modelling, first create the door itself by spreading your paste to the desired thickness. I think that half an inch, maybe a tiny bit more should be enough.

If you use multiple colors, it’s time to mix and match them – or if you plan to paint it later, have the design already drawn out in your head because once the thing is over, it’s difficult to make any modifications.

I recommend using a sharp stick to carve some lines on the door as seen above to make it look like wooden boards – but make sure you don’t press too hard as you don’t want to cut through it!

The door knob can be just a tiny ball, or you can add to it a small link from a chain you don’t need. Or buy some copper or brass wire and use the middle to make yourself one, any size you need.

I cut the heart shaped widow and made a tiny frame from another purple dough. Added a heart shaped “glass” window from a hard plastic bag I had, but you can use thin foil or just double transparent duct tape glued together.

Next, I made the hinges, easy to make, and “pinned” down with some tiny beads. You can use very tiny nails if you have them.

Just so you know, I found some really cheap necklaces made with lots of tiny beads, every colors, and useful chains for just $0.5. So go do some shopping and look for the cheap options available – you don’t need precious metals here, just a ton of options!

Then I made the door frame to fit the door shape I had and cut the bottom to be the same size and have a straight line.

Once you’re ready and satisfied with how your fairy house door looks like, you must wait for a few hours to let it dry and paint each piece separately if required.

Remember that these little pieces you make don’t glue entirely between them, so just fit them in the right spot so that you get an idea of what you’ll have, and use some glue to put them together AFTER they dry out a bit.

Once everything is finished – including any glue and paint additions, make sure you don’t get it wet, AT ALL. Not sure how the clay reacts to water, but playdoh gets soft and can stain the objects around and the shape can get ruined. So keep it dry!

Next thing, you just need to find some nice things you have around to use as decorations, or just make some from playdoh. You can add ladybugs, colorful mushrooms, or just different color vines – depending on your skill and ability to work with tiny things.

Or just get something ready-made like I did with the leaves I used.

The best part about this fairy door? You don’t really need a fully built fairy house to attach it to! It’s simple as finding some interesting tree stump or piece to glue it on, or object, like an used boot or a milk jug you can decorate with tiny colorful windows too. Anything can turn into a fairy house if you have a beautiful door to start with!

Just have fun, that’s the most important thing when doing this!

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